Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What You Should Know About Record Retention Policies

Today's companies have been facing legal scrutiny from all sorts of direction which have caused a huge increase in legal costs of doing business. This situation have caused them to identify sources of legal risks and come up with solutions to minimize this risks. With the huge volume of legally sensitive documents that companies produce each year, many businesses are struggling to implement effective record retention policies to eliminate, or at least minimize document-related risks.

But before companies should start on evaluating their current record retention policies, here are certain things that we should know about record retention policies:

It's a given fact that every business must have an existing record retention policy. But successfully implementing one that is highly reliable takes more than employing traditional data management systems. Having a good record retention policy gives companies a chance to better respond to ediscovery request of files when facing litigations. With today's complicated business environment, how important is it really to have a sound record retention policy? Here are some things businesses ought to know about the importance of having a good record retention policy.
Read the whole article on record retention policies.


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